A large space borne fleet of ships

An artisitc picture taken in game using No Man's Sky's Photomode.

No Man's Sky

A very unique game in its concept in temporary popularity, and brief phase as a hot topic. No Man's Sky provides an sandbox environment to explore a science-fiction universe in, all of which is procedurally generated (even the music!).

Buy it on Steam or see their website!

First revealed in 2013 and initally releaed on PC and PlayStation 4 in 2016, No Man's Sky had a turbulent few months after officially launching, failing to live up to the hype created by poor marketing strategy and overexcitement by the media (both journalism and online communities). In November that year, Hello Games launched the Fountdations Update, the first of many free updates that No Man's Sky would be known and loved for.

Foundations Update Base Building

A collage showcasing base building in the Foundations Update

A very popular video by Internet Historian covers the whole topic of the "Engoodening" of No Man's Sky.

After the Foundations update, which introduced base building, came the Pathfinder update introducing land vehicles, the Atlas Rises update, adding a story, Next, adding multiplayer, and two whole new versions of the game, Beyond, 2.0, and Origins, 3.0, adding an included VR mode to the game and adding a vast amount of other new content.

The most recent update was Expeditions, 3.3, a time-limited gamemode where you cooperate with other players to complete achievements and gain special rewards. Did I mention No Man's Sky is crossplay as well?

You can find the whole page of changes I rambled about here.

I have enjoyed No Man's Sky on and off for the past 5 years, exploring the game with each new update, and unfortunately falling off of it in favor of other games. That said, I have never thought No Man's Sky was a bad game, even when it most likely was at launch (I didn't know better). But now the game has more or less grown, with one of the friendliest and supportive online communities out there, if only out of a fierce loyalty.

The game has driven myself and others to create content inspired by No Man's Sky. I personally enjoy taking screenshots photography style, and used one of them for a Spotify playlist that acts as sort of ambience for the game.

Yes, I just handed you my mixtape. Next to it is a real album made by 65daysofstatic, the band that collaborated with Hello Games to produce No Man's Sky's sound track.

thumbs up


No Man's Sky is one of my favorite things in general, including as a videogame. I have nothing but happy memories associated with this game; the collective excitement my dad and I had for it led to him caving and buying the game day one and letting my play it, even though I had Taekwondo practice in 10 minutes that evening.

It was a relaxing game I could waste the day away to, and basically fall asleep late at night with - in a good, soothing way. Not to mention, it has vastly improved as a game, surpassing in reputation many large companies for the benevolent nature of its developers, and turning into a genuinely great game, although still rather niche.

The blue thumbs up symbol is a property owned by Valve, the owners of the Steam store. It is used here in parody.